Saturday, June 14, 2008

Blogging Seattle

My son came home from school yesterday and told me that someone who reads my blog (Hello Elimy) is tired of reading the Steampunk entry I wrote back in April and wants to read something else. So, okay, here's something...

I'm off to Clarion West Seattle next week. Lists have been written, jobs have been finished, plans have been made. Just when I thought everything was running smoothly, I fell off a step and broke a bone in the top my foot (Navicular). Fortunately, after resting up for a few days (Ohhhh how frustrating), I can walk on it again, but only if I wear my hiking boots for ankle support. Well...I'm not going to argue with that because I love my hiking boots.

So now I'm frantically catching up again. I'd hoped to do some writing in preparation for Clarion, but I've done very little as I've been madly finishing off my proposal and writing a novel chapter so that when I get back I'll still be up to date with my uni timetable. I hear it's good to go with a clean slate, anyway. Hopefully, I'll leave all my old bad writing habits behind me, try things I haven't tried writing before, surprise myself.

My aim is to blog the Clarion Experience as much as I can without it interfering with my writing. So I'll aim for once a week, and possibly fit in a tad more.


Anonymous said...

Not long now!

I'm trying to go with a clean slate, leaving my bad habits behind me, too :).

I can't wait to meet you. Take care, and I wish your foot the best.


Carol Ryles said...

Thanks Maggie. See you soon.

Unknown said...

Hi Carol! Found your site here via your Facebook post.

Am looking forward to reading about your Clarion experience--banged up foot and all.

Also: know all about pantry moths. Not helped by us having a pet cockatiel, who needs birdseed, and which (even in the good brands) contains eggs of said moths. Grr.

Carol Ryles said...

Hey Adrian, I hope you have a great time on your overseas trip as well. We'll all have to get together when we're home again. Take care.

Emily Paull said...

Yay my very own dedicated Blog. I hope you have a fantastic time and dont forget about us little people back here in Perth.

Sue said...

Hi Carol,
Sorry not to catch up with you before you left. Have a great time and enjoy being in a writing environment. Have fun.

Satima Flavell said...

By the time you read this you will be there! I hope and trust that it is a fantastic time for you and that you'll come back supercharged with ideas as well as chock full of wonderful memories.